Pet Nutrition

Proper nutrition is key to your pet's health and longevity.

In today’s society, there is a fast-growing interest in nutrition and wellness. People have become far more aware of what they are eating, where their food comes from and what nutritional value it brings to their diet. This information is also very important when we are considering our pet’s diets. Nutrition can have a major influence on our pet’s health in areas other than weight. There are diets specific for aiding in the treatment and comfort of skin diseases, arthritis, urinary diseases and even stress and anxiety. Therapeutic diets can help greatly improve health conditions allowing for fewer medications needed and less money being spent on veterinary visits.

When is a dog considered to be overweight?

A dog should have a “waist” visible in his or her abdomen, behind the rib cage, as viewed from above and the side. Also, you should be able to feel your dog’s ribs easily, without poking through fat. If either of these is not the case, please book a nutrition consultation so we can help you get your pet back to a healthy weight.

Is my cat fat?

We use the same body condition score for cats as we do for dogs, with 1 being emaciated and 5 being morbidly obese. Your veterinarian will score your cat’s body weight during annual physical exams. Cats are typically considered overweight when their ribs are not easily palpable and they do not have a visible waistline. Cats require a lot fewer calories than many owners may think; especially indoor cats and cats that have been spayed/neutered. This is why it is important to consult with your veterinarian or pet nutritionist about your cat’s dietary needs around the time they are spayed/neutered.

What is offered in a nutritional consultation?

One of our technologists will weigh your cat/dog, take their measurements and then can enter this information into a program that will formulate their ideal body weight. From there, they will go over diet options with you. This will be what type of food and amount would best suit their needs (taking into consideration any medical concerns) to reach their ideal body weight.

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