Pet Sitters Week

Have you ever heard of Pet Sitters Week? To be honest, before starting this blog it was something we had never heard of but found it should be something talked about more.

Here is a little run down of the history of Pet Sitters week. Pet Sitters week was founded in 1995 by pet sitters international. Pet sitting began when Patti J. Moran started her own pet sitting business in 1983 when pet sitting as a career was unheard of. She then went on to develop her own organization, Pet Sitting International in 1994. Her & along with her founding members introduced Pet Sitters week in 1995 to honour all Pet sitting members. It is when with time pet sitting became a viable option for people who adore & love animals to start a new career with all of the benefits of loving animals.

What is Pet sitting or Pet sitter? It is someone who watches pets when the owners are away either on a trip or working long hours; the key is finding the right pet sitter. You want someone with knowledge of animals & patience and most of all love for animals to care for your furry family member. If you use a pet sitter a lot, they are obviously someone you trust.

So now that you know what Pet Sitters week is, the next question is How do we celebrate Pet Sitters week? Well here are some quick easy ideas, First & foremost tell your pet sitter how appreciated you are of them. Sometimes just hearing those words can go along way. If finances are in your favour, buying your Pet sitter, a little surprise is always a nice idea as well. Whatever you do for this week, the acknowledgment I am sure will go along way.

Written by: Torbay Road Animal Hospital